Car insurance is intended to protect you against having to pay out of pocket in case you are involved in an accident with your vehicle. Car insurance is a policy between yourself and an insurance agency in which you pay in installments in return for security in the event your vehicle is damaged in an accident. Insurance will help to reimburse or pay for the damage done to automobiles in the case of a crash with an object, or another vehicle.
Let’s look at the benefits of having car insurance:
Damage or loss to an insured vehicle
If your vehicle is damaged because of a collision, fire, or any kind of accident, you are covered. If the vehicle is damaged due to an attempted robbery or burglary, your insurance covers that as well.
Personal Injury Insurance
If you’ve been injured in an auto accident, personal injury protection may help pay for medical bills, hospital bills and costs not covered by your health insurance. Personal injury protection, also known as PIP coverage, covers medical expenses no matter who’s at fault. This can also cover the cost of a funeral.
Liability encompasses the damage done to the vehicle or bodily injury to the other party involved in an auto crash. This liability includes the medical expenses to the injured party
With the increase in drivers on the road, auto insurance is more prevalent now than ever before. Griggs Ficklen can help you find an auto insurance plan that is relevant and cost-friendly.
We know that everyone is different; your insurance policy should be too. As an independent agency, we use our relationships with various formidable insurance companies to provide you with the insurance policy that encompasses your specific needs. At Griggs Ficklen, we assess your risks and work for you to find the tailored plan that mitigates those risks, and accommodates your lifestyle, business, and budget. We value, what you value.
Contact us at 706-534-8880 if you live around Lincolnton, GA, Elberton, Commerce, GA, Monroe, GA, Watkinsville, or Athens, GA areas.